Monday 29 August 2011

Biker Bears!

So Izzy the Koala had a lovely surprise when she ventured to Christchurch Park... she met Cheeko the Monkey and Lenny Lion out on their bikes! They seemed a bit hot in their leathers (not to mention with all that fur too!!)

Turn off the TV and computer games and let your child's imagination go wild with Wonder Bears!

Saturday 20 August 2011

Busy times

Wonder Bears have been to many fairs over the Summer, and lots of new bears have been made by their new owners. We've had children from Scotland on holiday in Suffolk, probably our furthest travelled Wonder Bears so far!

Wonder Bear got over his slight fear of heights to have outdoor fun on a zipwire this Summer, more pictures of his holidays to follow!

Wonder Bears will be at Camille's appeal day Sunday 21st August at Suffolk Food Hall, then at an EACH funday on Sun 28th August at St Clements...then time for the Christmas fairs to start!!

Saturday 6 August 2011

Teddy Bear Picnic - Easton Farm Park

Wonder Bears will be at Easton Farm Park this Wednesday 10th August.

Come and make a bear, buy an outfit or NEW decorate a t-shirt for your teddy bear (like the one Wonder Bear is wearing in the photo.)

Please 'like' our facebook page to keep up to date with Wonder Bear events -

Hope to see you soon!