Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Wonder Bears can party - whatever the weather!

Rain doesn't stop play for a Wonder Bears party!

One option is for the children to decorate their carry home bags on arrival; white t-shirts are also available to decorate for the Wonder Bears. Games include 'musical bears' and 'pass the wonder bear', variations of the traditional party games. All parties are different and tailored to the bithday child and the venue. The best bit surely has to be the wonderful party bags. Click on the Wonder Bears facebook page via www.wonderbears.co.uk to see other party photos and feedback from happy children and parents!

If you 'like' our facebook page you can find out how to find us at events in East Anglia to come and build a Wonder Bear, or find a stylish bear outfit!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Fun at the fair

 Well Wonder Bear has been busy at Martlesham Music on the Green, Martlesham Playgroup funday and the Police Families day. Children have made bears to take home, some have taken the kits away for a present and some have just bought extra outfits for their bears they have at home.

Wonder Bear had fun on rides and looking at the police cars.
If you want to build a bear come to Broke Hall Summer Fair in Ipswich on Sat 16th July, Easton Farm Park Teddy Bears Picnic on 10th August, or St Clements Fun Day in aid of EACH on August 28th. Follow our facebook page to keep in touch with new dates - click through http://www.wonderbears.co.uk/